Apr 29, 2010

CtiTiCism LiKE A hELL

only at 1 side maybe architects are sexiest... in a reality it is a really hard. for me architecture means dreaming up design that sometime it make me like an insane person or exactly called crazy..crafting models, rendering drawings, writing essays, enduring criticism.. oh gosh!! during this time it likely in the hell..i always be fire by lecture..but i must backup my design..
sometimes i feel a very bad condition and much more..a lot of time i must sacrifies especialy my bed time..i always "mengeluh" ..yesterday i already face submission drawing and hell criticism...sometime make me cry..i try to think positive.."as an architecture student i am looking forward to these fresh changes and challenges, thought no without small measure and trepeditation. only god knows how i feels.. 

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