based on triangle, mankind to god, mankind to nature, nature to god...the basic of islamic studies...pahamilah but not easy.both reflect each other....aku mmg xpaham dgn dunia sekarang ni nk dekat kiamat dah gamoknye...ada ke patut pertikai attire org yg menutup penuh aurat sedangkan diri sendiri xsedar buat dosa!!!ni nk ckp pe manusia ke ape?xtau la..aku rasa semua bnda yg kt dunia ni semua plastic xde 1 pun bleh percaya..ada yg small matter je trus nk budak2 bodoh gle..settle sndiri la (layak la kot pegang jawatan sebagai secretary sbb ske sgt nk mengadu benda yg bodo..kalo aku kn alang2 nk mengadu 2 g la mngadu trus kt pihak lg atas barulah berbaloi kot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!truk btul mmg cmni la kot org yg xpenah dok kt boarding skool so die xtau sgt ragam org..bukan aku nk kutuk dak skolah harian ada yg bagus je in term bergaul dgn org..ade org yg sgt truk pikir die je bagus kalo bagus pn bukannye nk tlg kwn2 yg x brape bagus..xpe la aku xkisah org nk buat cm2 jual semua cerita biar org pikir kta teruk..aku percaya suatu hari nanti akan ada pembalasan.kalo nk iktkn aku pn leh wt tp aku mls sgt nk lyn benda2 bodo..but i wrote base on my knowledge n learning not just act like a foolish people.
May 13, 2010
Apr 29, 2010
AsPiRaTioN BeCoMe BuRdEn
i have had a varied visions of my future..before chose architecture actually i'm studying in seem that i choose a wrong course.. so i've made a decision to study in architecture. throughout my university year i have nursed ambitious dreams of becoming great architect but in reality it was not just a design heaven but i must face; what i want to say is about a very "sakit hati" criticism as a process for final project. 1st year easy, 2nd year is okay..3rd year huh very i'm in a third year i feel like a crazy person..the time is precious but i keep changing and changing my drawing.. sometime i feel like "geram sgt kat" lecturer.. but what i want to say is the total mark is about 100% depend on lecturers because no final exam....warghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..tension + stress..tomorrow i have a final exam for subject "Architectural science" this subject more to services not as easy i only have 1 and half day to study because a lot of time i spent for design..the subject cover electrical, plumbing and disposal and waste management.. for one who read my blog please pray for me to be a "tabah person"..
CtiTiCism LiKE A hELL
only at 1 side maybe architects are sexiest... in a reality it is a really hard. for me architecture means dreaming up design that sometime it make me like an insane person or exactly called crazy..crafting models, rendering drawings, writing essays, enduring criticism.. oh gosh!! during this time it likely in the hell..i always be fire by lecture..but i must backup my design..
sometimes i feel a very bad condition and much more..a lot of time i must sacrifies especialy my bed time..i always "mengeluh" ..yesterday i already face submission drawing and hell criticism...sometime make me cry..i try to think positive.."as an architecture student i am looking forward to these fresh changes and challenges, thought no without small measure and trepeditation. only god knows how i feels..
Architect vs. Engineer vs. Doctor vs Lawyer
Engineers on the other hand are immune to swine flu.
Lawyers had it worst, from rats to being a scum of the earth, not to mention crooks and thieves. Just like that old saying goes, it takes a thief to catch a thief.
Dentist are doctors too, are they not? We do address them as Dr.Name, right? Not MisterName. As for accountants, sorry to say that anything to do with maths are simply not sexy.
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