Oct 7, 2015



Lamo doh tok nulih dale ni. Biar ambo buwi mukodimah luh. Namo ambo nurul farahana bt ahmad fadly. Ambo nih ore pasir mas salor hok dok kijo di shah ale selangor. Lamo doh la ambo dok selangor nyo. Jak ambo ngaji lagi. Pah abih ngaji ambo terus kijo. Eh dok-dok sebelum ambo grad lagi ambo kijo doh dale bide hok ambo ngaji. Kironyo rezeki ambo cepat bulih kijo. Alhamdulillah. Ambo kijo pun dale bide hok ambo ngaji. Hobi ambo baco blog, nga nulis, pah tu ngepek. Kalo ambo senyak meme senyak tupah la. Tapi kalo ambo ngepek gak pok pek pok pek la. Hok tok berapo berehi ngepek jadi tok bereti ngepek la kalo ambo start enjin gak. 

In accordance with my general rules of keeping short, informative and amusing i try to make it most of the content of this blog will be short. I try okay. I try. Unless i feel there is a need to elaborate things further. 

Kalo ado gapo-gapo hok tok pehe ko, nok tegur ko, nok betol ko, tulih jah komen kat foot steps ambo baco Belako. Ambo nih berehi letok gambar tapi mugo ambo nulih paka fon gak payoh nok upload.

But please keep things civilized okey xoxo. 

Oct 2, 2015

mozaic tour 2015

Assalamualaikum uolls,

Tadaaa. Supposedly this blog im writting in english. But nevermind. Bertukar angin la pulok. Sebenarnya i xpernah berniat pun nk pergi UNGU mozaic tour 2015. My friend minat sangat dengan unggu so i teman la dia pegi sana. I berdua je. Malam raya plak tu esok dah nak raya haji sempat plak i pegi konsert bagai kan. Kan i dah cakap i teman kawan je. Maybe this is the 1st and last kot i pegi konsert..hehehe. I pun sengal memandai masuk pakai heel tu pasai apo? Memang i berkaki ayam la sebab dah sakit kaki. Kononnya la pakai heel tanak kasi orang pijak kaki i biar i pijak kaki orang. Hambek kau aku yang merana. Last-last berkaki ayam la berjam berdiri dengan heel 5 inci..wahahaha. Memang cari pasal. Pas balik plak drive manual. Masyaallah tak boleh nak gambarkan macam nak patah je kaki. The after that i trus heading to my hometown kelantan. Bole bayang tak? Bawak manual tau uolls dengan jalan plak jammed. Itulah kisahnya. K bye. Tu je nak cite. :p

Gambar kelabu asap: belah kiri tu nama izza single lagi tau macam mixed arab kan2?

Yang ni pun orang sama la lagipun kitaorang pegi berdua je. Balik opis terus terkejar2. Buka puasa pun dalam kete.

Feb 17, 2011

Architects are sexiest..Are They???

Architects are sexiest
What’s wrong with being sexy?
Architects have been voted the sexiest male professionals in a survey of women’s ideal partners.
The survey, conducted by the introduction agency Drawing Down the Moon, found that women favoured architects “due to the esteem associated with the profession”.
Architects are seen as being “balanced and rounded individuals who combine a creative approach with a caring, thoughtful disposition”, the survey found. It concluded: “Their ability to cope with pressure of work in a relaxed manner was also deemed to be a significant plus.”
Male architects beat stockbrokers, doctors, film directors and teachers on the top spot.
However female members of the profession fared less well and did not feature in the top 10 out of male preferences.
RIBA president David Rock commented that architects were probably unaware of their animal magnetism: “Architects were probably the only group on the list whose self-image is lower than their public image”, he said, but added: “Mind you, you have to question the veracity of any list that includes drama teachers”.
RIBA Architecture Gallery director Alicia Pivaro, who is married to architect Paul Monaghan, said she thaugt male architects were highly attractive: “Being married to the architecture’s Mr Sexy, I would have to agree.”
But she was surprised at the failiure of women architects to appear on the list. “All the ones I know are very sexy”, she said.
Men instead voted PR executives the sexiest profession for females, followed by actresses and journalists.
I guess architects are indeed sexy, hmm… are your lecturers sexy? Perhaps the right question would be is your boss sexy? hmm…. found this undated photograph of Mies Van de Rohe presenting his work with a female companion as a … .. as a… well, I have no idea why she is there but is she there to spice up the model or she is the lead designer?
Is Mies’s work sexy? Yes, I think so, for all its transparency it uses light and reflection to change and slowly unfold the space. The best of the buildings elicit a response like that the architect himself had on Dr. Farnsworth at their first meeting: “The effect was tremendous, like a storm, a flood or other act of God.” His interior spaces are legendary. They change with the time of day and the season. The shiny, reflective metals, the rich leathers, the tactile fabrics, the reflections from the glass radiate luxury and a Weimar noblesse and seductiveness. The polished metal curves of his Brno or Barcelona chairs have a sexiness about them. They beckon your touch. The one phrase that can be credited to him alone is “almost nothing.”
If Mies van de Rohe’s masterpieces are sexy then I guess his famous quote is sexy too.
“Less is more”
Like all design, there are bound to be amendments and I would love to amend his quote from “less is more” to “less is sexy”.
Back to the phallic topic again. Certain buildings resemble a phallic for a particular reason, but then a logo that resembles the phallic? and the best part is that its an architect firm – Ladies and gentlemen, young and old, children of all ages – I present to you- Dick Busch Architects’s logo:
If Mies van de Rohe’s masterpieces are sexy then I guess his famous quote is sexy too.
“Less is more”
Like all design, there are bound to be amendments and I would love to amend his quote from “less is more” to “less is sexy”.
Back to the phallic topic again. Certain buildings resemble a phallic for a particular reason, but then a logo that resembles the phallic? and the best part is that its an architect firm – Ladies and gentlemen, young and old, children of all ages – I present to you- Dick Busch Architects’s logo:
ildren of all ages – I present to you- Dick Busch Architects’s logo:

Dick Busch Architects, based in Chesterfield, Missouri, has developed a reputation as being one of the premier architectural firms in the country. You will find, through our process, that we work closely with you to obtain an intimate understanding of your desires and thus are able to custom design a plan to completely fulfill your needs.
Can this be real? Any contacts? If you can’t get enough of the cock logo, then visit B3TA for the list of best Cock Logo, and if you are looking for a book, do read the sex of architecture.
Images Source and Articles Quoted From:
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